In 1939, Frank Wilhelm would begin his journey into the heating industry. He utilized his field experience and his passion to design an oil fired warm air furnace that would set a standard to which all others would be measured. In doing so, he designed and manufactured the furnace known today in the industry as the “HALLMARK”. He later would start, along with his father and brother, the Atlantic Heating and Cooling Company in Baltimore, Maryland.

The company, large enough to produce thousands of furnaces annually, yet small enough to appreciate each order received. Frank Wilhelm made sure that each of his customers received his personal attention with every order placed.

The “Hallmark” would soon be recognized by all technicians as the furnace that was the most “serviceable” in the industry. When ever you talked with Frank, there was an undeniable sense of pride and satisfaction to his commitment to customer satisfaction, quality and craftsmanship.

Today, the same tradition is carried on by Boyertown Furnace Company, who purchased and moved the manufacturing facilities to Boyertown, Pa. in 1980. The employees, like Frank Wilhelm take pride in their contribution to the quality and reliability of each Hallmark produced. “We have not forgotten the founder’s commitment to customer satisfaction”. Said Rosemarie Bartchak, Sales and Marketing Manager since 1980, who like Frank, has sold and marketed Boyertown Furnace Co. with a “personal touch”.

Boyertown Furnace has added two new members to its family. The “ REGAL” for residential and the “COX” for commercial applications, giving Boyertown Furnace the most complete line of oil furnaces in the industry, allowing firing from 65,000 BTUs to 400,000 BTUs.

The Hallmark Furnace entered the market in 1939, in 1981, Boyertown Furnace Company proudly took over the manufacturing of the Hallmark Furnace and by 1992, and Boyertown Furnace doubled the size of its original building.